Blog Update

Hi everyone,

Hope you’re all staying safe and well 💖

Just a quick update, as some are probably wondering what’s happening with the blog….

For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you would’ve seen that the reason for my silence is due to the fact that my mother suffered a severe allergic reaction (Anaphylaxis) nearly three weeks ago, so it’s been absolute chaos and a difficult time for my family.

She was in the intensive care unit for over 2 weeks, while she was taken on and off the ventilator three times due to issues breathing on her own, but is now thankfully on the mend and on a regular ward, awaiting discharge over the next few days.

It’s obviously been a stressful time for me where I have not been able to even crack a smile, let alone try and be funny for others— but now that things are looking up, I anticipate a return to the blog next weekend (with a fairly large post as a lot as happened!)

I just wanted to keep everybody in the loop; thank you to those who sent their prayers, love and support for my mum— I will always appreciate it and I can’t wait to pick things back up again.

Until next weekend… 💋

25 responses to “Blog Update”

  1. I’m so sorry about your Mom! Happy to hear she’s better and will be going home soon! Saying a prayer that she’s completely healed. Be good to yourself now, k?

    1. Thank you my darling! 💚 slowly but surely getting there; trying to eat and sleep properly again, which has proved difficult recently.. slowly slowly..

  2. What a terrible time for you and your family. Sending virtual hugs XXXX

    1. Thank you my love 💛

  3. How scary, sad and difficult that must have been for your Mom and the entire family!

    When I had a severe allergic reaction and my throat closed up and I could barely breathe and had a huge red flush all over my face/neck/chest, the hospital nurses immediately put me on an I.V. (Benadryl?) and within 5 -10 minutes I was much much better.

    Did the doctor find out exactly what she was allergic to?
    Hope he prescribed some epi pens for her to keep with her at all times.
    That she ended up in intensive care is really stressful. Hope it never happens to her again!!

  4. take care of yourself, too! best wishes for your mother, she’s really lucky to have you & obviously a great medical team

  5. I’m sorry about your mom! Glad she is healing well & will be going home soon. Take care xoxo

  6. Saffy, take the time out with your family – So sorry about your Mum – scary thing to happen so not surprised you are not “cracking jokes”. Be safe, be well be healthy

  7. There’s nothing more important than looking after the ones we love most in the world. We’ve missed you, but we
    certainly can wait until you’re ready to come back. Take your time. You’re a great daughter.

  8. So sorry to hear about your Mum, being in hospital at anytime is difficult but just now more so. Glad to hear she is on the mend and hopefully she will soon be home to start recovering.

  9. Oh Saffy – take your time! What a terrible time for you all – going on & off ventilators is really scary too. Take your time to get back to where you can be happy & relaxed! Many healing thoughts your way

  10. Oh Saffy, that’s horrible news. So glad to hear your Mums come out of the worst of it. You take as much time as you need. During these uncertain & tumultuous times family is crucial; certainly more so than social media tribes

  11. I am very sorry to hear about your mother and happy that she is doing better. I love your posts as they are so funny! I look eagerly for each new one. Thank you for bringing so much cheer and hilarity to our lives!

  12. Dear Saffy,
    So sorry to hear your Mum wasn’t well but glad to know she is now better.
    Take care and look forward to reading your post next week 😊

  13. Sorry to hear about your Mom, you must have been frantic. Don’t forget to look after yourself too. TheresA

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

  14. Sam in California avatar
    Sam in California

    Lord have mercy! Will pray for your poor mum and your entire family. May God lift you during this difficult time.

    Mad props to mum for having forced you to watch the Royal Wedding in 2011. Without having done so, we wouldn’t be laughing our asses off on this blog in 2020.

  15. Yes, I did see that about your mum on Instagram. I hope she continues to get better and I hope you get back to normal. Hope you are well.

  16. bloomsbury101 avatar

    Very sorry to hear about your mother. Take care of yourself too in this stressful time. Wishing your mum a speedy recovery now she’s on an upswing. Susan

  17. Saffy, God bless you all. Praying for your Mama. 🙏🏻❤️

  18. Sorry to hear about mummy.Glad to hear that she is improving!

  19. I’m so glad that your mum is on the mend.
    Wishing her a speedy recovery.
    Take great care, stay healthy and safe.

    Will be on the look out for your witty blog.

  20. So sorry to hear about your mum but glad she is on the mend. My youngest had an anaphylactic shock at 8 months old and still needs to carry an epi-pen at 23! One thing we learnt over the years is to check the expiration date on the pen itself rather than just what is printed on the boxes they come in as for some reason they can differ by a couple of weeks/months. We’ve never been able to determine why that is. Don’t worry too much about your blog, much as we miss your sparkling intellect and witty asides, we’d much rather you put your family and yourself first. We’ll always be here waiting for you when you feel ready to come back. ❤️❤️

  21. Thanks for the update Saffy! I keep checking back to see is she is at home yet! I’m so glad she is doing better, and seeing you care about her so much makes me appreciate how much my girls need me. (Sometimes I feel like I’m not the best mum…)

  22. Janet DiDonato avatar
    Janet DiDonato

    I hope everything is still improving and you are doing well dear girl. It is 12 noon here in the US on Monday, so here’s hoping all is well, or nearly so.

  23. Hi Saffy! I hope your Mum is full better by now!

    I just wanted to share a thought with you. Besides all the obvious lies Megs told, I questioned her pregnancy, because the natural, maternal instinct is to protect your unborn baby, so you do not show your belly off how she did.

    On some pictures that you want for a keepsake for yourself, and your family to show how big your belly is, etc. you do, but when you walk around other people, and outside, your natural instinct kicks in, you become protective and you do the opposite Megs did.
    Then, when the baby borns, the joy, and the proudness takes over, which is again a natural instinct, and you do show it off. You are so proud of your baby, that you can’t help it but show it to the world, look, how perfect this little thing is. Megs did the opposite there, too. It’s more than odd.
    I also realised when watching her holding her belly constantly, that people, including me, tend to hold stuff that are not there naturally, and want to make sure it stays the right way. Or keep checking it. Yep, it’s still there, didn’t move.

    Of course I wouldn’t dislike her for all these, who cares, but the lies, and the speeches and lectures to others that’s what I can’t stand.

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